The St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE SEM) invites you to submit your research proposals and papers for the fourth edition of its international scientific event “Analytics for Management and Economics Conference” (AMEC 2021).
Submissions close
8 December 2021 15:00 Keynote speech “Interpretable Data Science for Decision Making: The Case for Customer Retention Management”
Kristof Coussement
Kristof Coussement, PhD, HDR, is Professor of Business Analytics at the triple-crown accredited IÉSEG School of Management (France).
Professor Coussement develops and teaches several business analytics and data science courses amongst “Big Data Analytics”, “Business Analytics Tools: Commercial”, and “Analytical Customer Relationship Management” in specialized masters and executive education programs. He chairs a post-graduate MSc in Big Data Analytics for Business that is specifically designed to deliver business-value creating data scientists to the global job market. In his research, Professor Coussement primarily aims to advance the business analytics field by developing innovative, value creating decision support frameworks. He is acclaimed for his work on incorporating textual data sources into conventional – mainly predictive modeling – settings using text analytics and deep learning methodologies. His work has been published in renowned international peer-reviewed journals in OR, IS, management and marketing. He founded and chairs the IÉSEG School of Management Center for Marketing Analytics (ICMA) that is a research center focusing on developing innovation trajectories in data science with companies.
6 October 2021 15:00 Keynote speech “Machine based textual analysis and market reactions”

Marco Trombetta
Marco Trombetta is Professor of Accounting and Management Control at IE Business School. He holds an M.Phil. and a D.Phil. in Economics from the University of Oxford (UK), a doctorate in Public Economics from the University of Pavia (Italy) and a “Laurea” degree magna cum laude in Economic and Social Sciences from “L. Bocconi” University (Milan - Italy). Before joining IE Business School he held academic positions at Carlos III University (Spain), the University of Oxford (UK) and at the London School of Economics (UK). He has held visiting positions at the University of Chicago GSB (U.S.A.), at “L. Bocconi” University in Milan (Italy) and at LUISS University in Rome (Italy).
The main research interests are the theory and empirical analysis of disclosure, auditing and financial literacy. He has also acted as external expert for the valuation of research projects for both the Spanish and the Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
Since July 2018 he has been the Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
Conference Key topics
- 22 September 2021 - Track: Financial Time Series – Chairman: Moinak Maiti – Co-chair: Darko Vukovic
- 6 October 2021 - Keynote speech: Machine based textual analysis and market reactions – Marco Trombetta
- 13 October 2021 - Track: Innovations in the banking sector – Chairman: Alexander Karminsky. Book presentation: Risk Assessment and Financial Regulation in Emerging Markets' Banking: Trends and Prospects
- 20 October 2021 - Track: Technology upgrading in emerging and catching-up economies – Chairman: Slavo Radosevic – Co-chair: Anna Fedyunina
- 20 October 2021 - Track: Sports Analytics: Economics, Management and Performance – Chairman: Thadeu Gasparetto
- 27 October 2021 - Track: Entrepreneurship in Times of Uncertainty – Chairman: Galina Shirokova – Co-chair: Louisa Selivanovskikh
- 03 November 2021 - Track: Intellectual capital of individuals, groups and organizations – Chairman: Petr Parshakov
- 10 November and 17 November 2021 - Track: Analytics in Arts and Culture Management – Chairman: Julia Trabskaya – Co-chair: Anastasia Sinitsyna
24 November 2021 - Track: Regional Economic Development and Public Procurement – Chairman: Andrei Yakovlev – Co-chair: Elena Podkolzina
25 November 2021 - Track: Sustainability and value creation – Chairman: Irina Ivashkovskaya
1 December 2021 - Track: Contemporary Research in Management – Chairman: Artem Alsufiev
- 8 December 2021 - Keynote speech: Interpretable Data Science for Decision Making: The Case for Customer Retention Management – Kristof Coussement
- 8 December 2021 - Track: Advances in Business Analytics – Chairman: Kristof Coussement
- 15 December 2021 - Track: Data Analysis in the Industry 4.0 Era – Chairman: Pawel Lula
- 15 December 2021 - Track: Business Ethics – Chairman: Félix López Iturriaga – Co-chair: Maxim Storchevoy
Scientific Committee
Higher School of Economics, Russia
Higher School of Economics, Russia
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA
Maynooth University School of Business, Ireland
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Spain
Higher School of Economics, Russia
Higher School of Economics, Russia
Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Higher School of Economics, Russia

Higher School of Economics, Russia

Higher School of Economics, Russia
University of Vaasa, Finland

Higher School of Economics, Russia

The St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE SEM) invites you to submit your research proposals and papers for the fourth edition of its international scientific event “Analytics for Management and Economics Conference” (AMEC 2021)
St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management of HSE organizes AMEC in order to enable the faculties to present research and receive valuable feedback from leading scientists in the field of management, finance and economics. In addition, it is a good opportunity for our students to listen to quality presentations from professional speakers.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the changes to the usual conference format. As HSE is always ready to adapt to new realities – this year AMEC 2021 will be held online. AMEC 2021 will be held from September to November based on the Online platform. Sessions are planned on Wednesdays from 15:00 to 17:00 (19:30 if the track involves a large number of reports).
The conference welcomes faculty, graduate students, undergraduates and bachelors, as well as researchers who wish to present their papers. This year participation in the conference is free but all participants must register on our website.
Please be informed that sessions will be in Online platform.
There are four conditions to get an AMEC certificate of participation:
1. To register as an Attendee no later than 14 pm of the event day.
2. To sign up with your name and surname for online session.
3. To turn on the camera during the whole session.
4. To attend no less than 5 sessions.
Proceedings AMEC
Proceedings of International Analytics for Management and Economics Conference, HSE University-Saint Petersburg.
Important Dates
Submissions open
All submissions close
Notification of decisions
Publication Opportunities
The most interesting and innovative submissions will be recommended for publication to our partnering journals: Journal of Corporate Finance Research, Russian Managment Journal, International Journal of Emerging Markets and European Journal of International Management. At the conclusion of the conference there will be an online collection of all selected works.
Organizing Committee
- Prof. Elena Rogova
- Prof. Angel Barajas
- Anastasia Pleshkova
- Valeria Galchenko
- Prof. Galina Shirokova
- Dr. Artem Alsufiev
- Dr. Elizaveta Shushunova
- Dr. Elena Shakina
- Dr. Julia Trabskaya
- Lev Alushkin