Research in Economics and Management Incubator - REMI
Research in Economics and Management Incubator - REMI 1-st Annual Workshop:
September 30 th – October 1st 2019
Topics: Economics and/or Management
Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2019
Submission format: A draft original paper in English (10-40 pages), highlighting the motivation of research, the background literature, methods, data, results obtained.
Additionally: CV of the main author and a short motivation letter, indicating the need for Workshops.
REMI educational project of HSE is directed by a team of senior international experts, who will make a selection of the best research proposals from scholars in the Former-Soviet-Union. During a year (3 workshops) they will engage in mentoring, to help selected Russian and Post-Soviet economic researchers turn a draft working paper into a good international journal article. REMI does not pay stipends to its yearly grantees, but covers accommodation and some travel expenses.
The REMI-HSE project is initiated in 2019 and directed by Richard Ericson (former EERC director, East Carolina University). It is financed by HSE School of Economics and Management – St.Petersburg, HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences – Moscow, and HSE Faculty of Business and Management – Moscow. Mission. The REMI-HSE program should serve economic and management education and research in Post-Soviet countries by mentoring first of all doctoral students, university teachers, and other developing researchers, who aspire to international publications instead of domestic ones, but do not find enough qualified mentoring in their home universities. REMI should strengthen and polish their on-going studies enough to publish them in high level journals. In some sense, REMI should become a top-level FSU-wide “aspirantura”, as EERC used to be. Another goal is to establish connections between academics and young researchers in management and economics across various universities of Eurasia to further develop a research network.
Twice a year, the REMI-HSE Program will make a call for papers, select about 20 research proposals, and organize a twice a year research Workshop for selected researchers. The applicants will present and defend their projects in front of the other participants and the international Board of Experts. All participants and the Board of Experts will discuss and give their comments and suggestions, to direct the research towards its final goal: a well-published paper. At the initial seminar for each applicant, depending on the defense of the project, the probability is about ½ that her/his project be approved for discussion in further Workshops. During the year, the approved researchers use the Board of Experts for online comments, like those of journal referees, on the intermediate stages of revising their paper. Thus, a normal research project involves three seminars: the initial, the intermediate, and the final one, where the advice for proper journal is obtained.
The Board of Experts at each Workshop will consist of 5-7 well-established scientists committed and experienced in mentoring young researchers off-line and on-line. The potential experts who might be considered for invitation to particular Workshops include:
• Richard Ericson (Ph.D., East Carolina University, USA) – Director of REMI project;
• Experts in Economics:
- Christopher Gerry (Ph.D., St Antony’s college University of Oxford)
- David Tarr (Ph.D., International School of Economics in Tbilisi (ISET))
- Grigory Kosenok (Ph.D., New Economic School, Russia)
- Irina Denisova (Ph.D, New Economic School, Russia)
- John Earle (Ph.D., George Mason University, USA)
- Michael Alexeev (Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington, USA)
- Natalia Volchkova (Ph.D, New Economic School, Russia)
- Sergey Slobodyan (Ph.D., Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute (CERGE-EI), Czech)
- Shlomo Weber (Ph.D.,New Economic School, Russia)
- Slavo Radosevich (Ph.D., University College London, Great Britain)
- Alexander Muravyev (Ph.D., Higher School of Economics, Russia)
- Alexei Boulatov (Ph.D., Higher School of Economics, Russia)
- Hartmut Lehmann (Ph.D., University of Bologna, Higher School of Economics, Russia)
- Udara Peiris (Ph.D., Higher School of Economics, Russia)
• Experts in Management:
- Galina Shirokova (DSc, Graduate School of Management, Russia)
- Felix Lopez-Iturriaga (Ph.D., University of Valladolid, Spain)
- Ilan Alon (Ph.D., University of Agder, Norway)
Submission deadline: May 31st, 2019
Selection notification: July 1, 2019.
1-st Workshop – September 30, 2019, 2-nd Workshop – April 10, 2020.
Correspondence to:
Manager: Farida Garipova